Willow working
The practice of willow work and basketry has a long traditions in Holland and is still alive through people’s practice and places specialized in collecting and preserving that knowledge. KHSH is on tour for meeting and documenting this inspiring people. One of the firs encounters took place in the Nationaal Vlechtmuseum in Noordwolden where Baukje...

Chisel sharpening
A chisel should be sharp, says the woodturner Joost Kramer. Sharpening a chisel is possible only with something that is even harder. Therefore his grindstone is covered with diamond grit. If the last burr after polishing seems to be off, a ultimate test takes place to prove that the chisel is sharp. If he can...

Steam distillation
‘Steam Distillation or Hydro Distillation ’ is ancient traditional technic used to extract essential oils from plants widely used in the perfume industry for centuries. Know-How Show-How team will conduct series of test in Steam Distillation from local plants and parallel with that will started tracing the available knowledge in Holland and worldwide. Any one is...

Making a carvers mallet
Joost Kramer, wood turner, shows how he makes a carvers mallet, during that process he explains his views on the value of craft. According to him the function of the material and the object is like a link between man and the world around him. documented by Dima Stefanova

Herbal medicine
Eduard van Koolwijk is fotograaf, tuinarchitect en geneeskundige. In deze korte reportage vertelt hij over de genezende kracht van de planten en kruiden om ons heen. Gedocumenteerd door Ruud Bakker, Hanks Jonkhart en Linda van Roon